Working Together

Inclusive Therapy in Hampshire and across the UK

Initial Consultation

This is an opportunity for us to discuss where you are in your journey and how I can help. Importantly, this provides an opportunity to determine if we are a good therapeutic fit and a chance for you to ask any questions. If you decide that you would like to proceed in working together, we can arrange a first session.

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First Session

Our first full session is about laying the groundwork for our therapeutic relationship. We will begin by looking at your current situation, your history, and what you hope to achieve through Counselling. Together, we will establish a pathway that suits your needs, deciding whether short-term or long-term therapy is most appropriate for you.

The initial sessions are focused on creating a safe, trusting environment where you feel heard and understood. Remember, you are in control of this process, I will move with you at a pace that feels comfortable for you, to support you every step of the way as we begin this journey of growth and healing together.

Ready to take the next step? Get in touch, and let's start this journey together.

Frequently asked questions

How long will I need to have counselling?

How long a period of counselling lasts will vary from person to person and depend on the depth of the issues they are facing. For some people, a couple of sessions helps to bring their problems into focus, and they feel ready to move forward; other problems may require more of an open-ended approach.

Before we begin any work we will agree on the number of sessions we’ll undertake, and at the end of that number review our progress. As long as we both agree further therapy will be of benefit to you, sessions can continue

How long will I have to wait for an appointment?

My aim is to offer a first appointment - known as an initial assessment - within 1-2 weeks. Then we would arrange a set number of counselling sessions to take place at the same time every week, that is convenient for you and where I have availability. How quickly these sessions can begin will depend on the availability of that free ‘slot’.

Will everything I say be kept confidential?

Everything that is said within the counselling room is private - this is one of the main ways counselling and therapy differ from talking to a friend or relative. Once you are comfortable with the format of weekly sessions and the safe space they provide, you will find the freedom to speak in confidence is of great value.

Note that there are some situations where you may be a risk to yourself or others, and there the law requires that I notify an authority; in these cases, I may not be able to keep total confidentiality. Breaking confidentiality is very rare though, and only happens after the person concerned has been informed.

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